The function of product management is one of the busiest and most misunderstood of all. Product managers are expected to handle uncertainty, difficult choices, new technologies, and other things. Understanding what other product managers are doing, what works for them, and what doesn’t will help you navigate such a role. Hearing these thought leaders might occasionally serve as motivation, and the best way to achieve this is undoubtedly through these podcasts for product managers.

To make it easy for you, I have curated a list of product management podcasts that you can follow

Top Podcasts for Product Managers:

1. Lenny’s Podcast by Lenny Rachitsky

Topics Covered: Interviews with thought leaders in the fields of product, growth, hiring, and more 

About: With more than 200k subscribers, Lenny is renowned for publishing one of the most popular business/product newsletters on Substack. He is well recognized for his time spent as a Product Lead at Airbnb, where he worked for more than 7 years.

Prior to that, he developed the location-based information platform “Localmind” alongside Beau Haugh and Nelson Gauthier. It offered prompt responses to travel-related questions. The three founders of this startup joined the Airbnb team when it was acquired by the company in 2012.

He currently devotes the majority of his time to writing, working with his startup investments, and consulting with and providing advice to tech-related businesses.

Podcast Links:

2. The Product Podcast by Product School

Topics Covered: Interviews with thought leaders from companies like Meta, Amazon, Google, Apple, Slack, etc

About: The Product Podcast is hosted by Carlos González De Billaumbrosia – founder of Product School. 

If you are aspiring to become a product manager or if you’re already a product manager, this podcast will help you understand the thought processes of industry leaders on how they solve problems, discover growth opportunities, leverage their teams, create a go-to-market strategy, and a lot more topics.

Podcast Links:

3. Masters of Scale by Reid Hoffman

Topics Covered: Interviews with entrepreneurs, innovators, disruptors ad thought leaders from different companies in different industries

About: Co-founder of LinkedIn, Reif Hoffman is currently a partner at the venture capital firm Greylock Partners.

By asking his guests to share their experiences with entrepreneurship, leadership, strategy, management, and fundraising, the host of this podcast offers an unconventional theory about how businesses scale. You’ll also hear about the human journey—failures, setbacks, and lessons learned. Additionally, he offers a Rapid Response structure where you may anticipate timely advice from business executives in rapidly evolving scenarios.

Podcast Links:

4. Inside Intercom by Various Experts

Topics Covered: Discussions and interviews around growth, scale, solutions, and trending topics

About: This podcast is hosted by Intercom, an all-in-one customer communications platform, and focuses on issues that most product managers are interested in or are working to resolve.

They either interview senior internal employees for this podcast or invite someone who is a leader in that space. They discuss hot themes or issues pertaining to the product, including scale, growth, message, customer research, human resource management, and many other things.

Podcast Links:

5. This is Product Management by Feedback Loop

Topics Covered: interviews with founders, leaders, and authors from organizations including Adobe, Spotify, Viacom, Under Armour, and many others about leadership, corporate innovation, and best practices for experimentation.

About: The most brilliant minds from the several disciplines that power contemporary product teams are interviewed for “This is Product Management.” Episodes range from confessions to vocations, tactics to strategies, and the arts to science. With this podcast for product managers, you can delve deeply into user experience, statistics, innovation, differentiation, design, development, metrics, and more. Feedback Loop creates this Product Management.

Podcast Links:

6. How I Built This by Guy Raz

Topics Covered: Interviews with the world’s top entrepreneurs on how they built their brands

About: The New York Times has referred to independent journalist producer Guy Raz as “one of the most popular podcasters in history.” Even if he isn’t a product guy, the podcast episodes are interesting to listen to because they feature conversations with the most creative and innovative leaders who have questioned the status quo.

Raz has interviewed and profiled more than 10,000 people in his roles as a host and journalist, among them Bill Gates, Condoleezza Rice, Jimmy Carter, Shimon Peres, General David Petraeus, Al Gore, Mark Zuckerberg, Eminem, Taylor Swift, and a plethora of other notable figures.

Podcast Links:


To make it a bit less overwhelming, I’ve tried to keep the list of the best podcasts for product managers short and have only covered the most impactful ones.

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